Emma | Chicago Western Suburbs Photography

We recently did a session with Baby Emma.  Emma is 4 months and very advanced in her motor skills. Her personality is dynamic and very active.  This was a little lady who had a lot to do.  I have to admit, she was teething (Already!) and so there was a lot of chewing going on.  Emma also was alert and very watchful of strangers.  The looks she gave us was as though she was sizing us up, judgement to come later!  Emma was almost the opposite of Zoey, with her very soft reddish hair.  And boy was she active turning over and scooting each chance she got!  When I tried to get her to smile using toys, she gave me a look that said 'Are you kidding me!"  And then she really started watching me hard.  It wasn't until Nick starting talking that she started to really shine.  Something about that deep male voice like her daddy's. Then when her big brother came and started dancing for her, she really started cracking up.  Yep this little lady knew that the men are just for her entertainment.

- Diane Miller


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